Erasmus Learning Agreement Tu Darmstadt


    Erasmus Learning Agreement at TU Darmstadt: A Guide for International Students

    If you`re an international student planning to study at TU Darmstadt in Germany through the Erasmus program, you`ll need to familiarize yourself with the Erasmus Learning Agreement.

    What is the Erasmus Learning Agreement?

    The Erasmus Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the study program for exchange students participating in the Erasmus program. It serves as a contract between students, their home institutions, and the receiving institution, ensuring that students receive credit for the courses they take during their exchange program.

    Why is the Erasmus Learning Agreement important?

    The Learning Agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to ensure that students receive credit for the courses they take during their exchange program. Secondly, it serves as proof that students have completed the requirements of their home institution and the receiving institution. Finally, it provides a clear understanding of the courses that will be taken during the exchange program, including the number of credits that will be earned for each course.

    How to Fill out the Erasmus Learning Agreement

    To fill out the Erasmus Learning Agreement, students are required to identify the courses they plan to take during their study at TU Darmstadt. This includes selecting courses that are relevant to their degree program and in line with their academic interests.

    After selecting the courses, students need to indicate the number of ECTS credits that each course is worth. ECTS is the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, which is used to facilitate the recognition of academic qualifications across Europe. It`s important to note that ECTS credits are transferable to other institutions.

    Once the courses and credits have been agreed upon, the Learning Agreement must be signed by the student, the home institution, and TU Darmstadt.

    Points to Consider

    As an international student participating in the Erasmus program at TU Darmstadt, there are a few points to consider when filling out the Learning Agreement:

    – Course Selection: Choose courses that are relevant to your degree program and academic interests. Also, make sure to select courses that are taught in English if you`re not fluent in German.

    – ECTS Credits: Ensure that the ECTS credits for each course are accurately reflected on the Learning Agreement. This will ensure that you receive credit for the courses you take at TU Darmstadt.

    – Deadlines: Pay attention to the deadlines for submitting the Learning Agreement. Submitting the document on time will help you avoid any delays in your exchange program.

    In conclusion, the Erasmus Learning Agreement is an essential document that helps exchange students participating in the Erasmus program receive credit for the courses they take during their exchange program. As an international student at TU Darmstadt, be sure to pay attention to the requirements and deadlines for filling out the Learning Agreement to ensure a smooth and successful exchange program.