Free Divorce Settlement Agreement Template South Africa


    If you are going through a divorce in South Africa, it can be an emotional and stressful time. One of the most important things to consider is your divorce settlement agreement. This document outlines the terms of your divorce, including child custody, asset division, and spousal support.

    While hiring a lawyer to draft your divorce settlement agreement can be expensive, there is an alternative solution: a free divorce settlement agreement template. By using a template, you can save money and still ensure that your agreement is legally binding and fair.

    Where can you find a free divorce settlement agreement template in South Africa?

    There are several websites that offer free divorce settlement agreement templates in South Africa. These include:

    1. LawDepot: This website provides a customizable divorce settlement agreement template to ensure that the document meets your specific needs.

    2. LegalWise: LegalWise offers a free divorce settlement agreement template that you can download and fill out.

    3. Rocket Lawyer: This platform provides a range of legal templates, including a free divorce settlement agreement template, which is customizable to your preferences.

    How to use a free divorce settlement agreement template in South Africa?

    Using a free divorce settlement agreement template is easy. The first step is to choose a template that suits your needs and preferences. Once you have downloaded the template, you can customize it to your specific situation. It is important to ensure that all the necessary information is included, such as the names of both parties, the date of the divorce, and the terms of the agreement.

    Once you have filled out the template, it is a good idea to have a lawyer review it to ensure that it is legally binding and fair. Both parties should also sign the document in the presence of a witness to make it official.

    Benefits of using a free divorce settlement agreement template in South Africa

    Using a free divorce settlement agreement template in South Africa offers several benefits, including:

    – Saves money: Lawyers can be expensive, and using a template can save you money on legal fees.

    – Customizable: The templates are customizable to your specific situation, ensuring that the document meets your needs.

    – Legally binding: As long as the document is signed and witnessed, it is legally binding and similar to one drafted by a lawyer.


    Going through a divorce can be a challenging time, but by using a free divorce settlement agreement template in South Africa, you can save money and ensure that your agreement is fair and legally binding. Remember to customize the template to your needs and have a lawyer review it to ensure that it is legally sound.